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Visit us today!

IV Life has the solution for you!

Looking to revitalize and recharge? Look no further than IV Life's selection of IV infusions, which deliver vital vitamins and nutrients straight into your bloodstream for optimal absorption. Whether you're seeking improved immunity, beauty, wellness, or sports endurance, IV Vitamin Therapy offers a holistic approach to achieving your goals. Our range of infusions can help you recover more quickly from hangovers, jet lag, and intense exercise, while also reducing stress and anxiety and preventing illness.


With IV Life, you can say goodbye to lost days spent recuperating and hello to feeling your best and most rejuvenated self!

IV Cocktails


Vitamin Boost Drip

Detox Drip

Immune Drip

30 min

30 min

30 min

This Boost Bag contains a combination of energizing vitamins & minerals at high concentrations. These are also building blocks for the development of our muscles and bones.

Detoxify the liver. Reduce
heavy-metals in the body. Powerful anti-oxidant. Restores cells membranes

This Boost Bag contains a combination of energizing vitamins & minerals at high concentrations. These are also building blocks for the development of our muscles and bones.

Babyface Drip

Hangover Drip

Gut Health

30 min

30 min

30 min

Increase collagen production Powerful anti-oxidant Create new skin elasticity Skin brightening effect.

Detoxifies the liver. Corrects alcohol induced dehydration Reduces headaches.

Treatment & prevention of leaky gut, bowel inflammation, gut integrity and assistance in recolonization of the gut.


Weight Loss Drip

Mood & Brain Booster

Jetsetters Blend

30 min

30 min

30 min

In order to lose weight your body needs to be in peak condition to do so. Our weight loss booster combines a special formulation of vitamins, anti-oxidants, trace elements and amino acids to boost your metabolism.

For those brain fog, forgetful weeks where your cognitive powers have started letting you down. Improving oxidative stress, increasing neurotransmitters and enabling your brain to detoxify and work optimally.

Travel got you feeling sluggish or worn down? This blend is designed for travellers to combat jet lag and boost immunity and energy levels. It includes magnesium, glutathione, B-complex, vitamin C, and folic acid.


NAD+IV Treatment

3-4 hours

NAD is a coenzyme that powers metabolic processes and impacts a wide variety of systems including digestion, cognition and mental clarity, aging & overall energy levels. Slow the aging process. Restores the appearance of the skin and reduces wrinkles. Improves brain health and neurological function. Improves mental clarity. Improves brain regeneration. Reduces overall fatigue. Restores muscle function and athletic performance

Visit us at IVLife for your booster treatment and revitalise your body.

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